A few years back, art education was thought to be one of the luxuries and people used to send their children for art classes separately and they were not taught in the general schools. Art classes and art education was not given in the school and was not added in the curriculum because the school managements thought it to be a hindrance in the intake of regular tests and these art classes required more time.
Art classes are comparatively more expensive than the regular education. But now more and more awareness have been done and people and the school managements now understand that art education is equally important and now certain time of the day has been allotted for the art classes and children get really excited and wait for that time of the day. Art classes in Dubai have become really popular and not only children but adults also participate actively in these classes. Through art people can reflect their thoughts and ideas and pour their heart and mind out on the paper which I an excellent thing to do. art refreshed your mind and heart and makes you a new person. It also helps in removing all the negativities and promotes positivity in our life.
Art has become important because it helps with the development of child in all fields of life. It not only helps the mental health but also helps in the enhancement of the physical health and motor skills of the individual. For example if your child is playing clay or play dough and he is trying to make new things out of it, their muscle control of their fingers is establishing, they learn to grip things in their hand. Hand and finger muscles of your child develop by holding and properly gripping a pencil in his hand. By attending art classes, kids also learn to interact with people and with the help of this, they develop socially and emotionally.
There are many institutes that offer Art school Dubai but these are usually for adults but there are few children who take an active part in these courses and learn new things every day. Parents should appreciate their children and never demotivate them or discourage them. They should stay on their children’s back and be their confidence so that they can achieve what they want to achieve and they reach to their goals.